Long Distance Moving with Children Out of State; How to Help Your Kids Cope with Moving Anxiety in Bronx, NY

Kids and long distance moving can be nearly unbearable. With so many things to do associated with moving; packing, selling or giving away items, making the living arrangements, and all of life’s daily responsibilities; the long distance move is quite a project. Figuring how to involve the kids could be quite a challenge. Today, we at RC Van Services, we would like to share some tips and advice on how you can juggle long distance moving and kids.

How to Help Your Kids Cope with Moving Anxiety

1. Include the kids in viewing the new house. Take the kids with you, if possible, after you narrowed down the search down as you go house hunting. Get them excited and show them the backyard and which room could potentially be theirs, and so on. If they cannot go with you in person, show them pictures online and excite them into the new adventure. Typically, children are fairly anxious when change is in the immediate future, especially the school age kids. Getting them hyped towards the positive can help make the transition far smoother. Try and show them the local school, parks and libraries, along with extra curricular activities that can make them feel more at ease and comfortable.
2. Have each of your children sort through their stuff. Sifting through the contents of every room; discarding, donating, or even selling some unwanted items can be greatly beneficial. Permit the kids to have some control over some of their stuff. Clothes that don’t fit and are in good condition should be saved for a yard sale or donated. Toys can be sold or donated as well if a child has outgrown them and is no longer age appropriate.
3. Let children help pack and move. Many kids always want to lend a helping hand, most adults prefer to do the work themselves for the sake of speed, but letting children help out teaches them to be helpful later in life as well as gives them ownership in the move. Younger kids can contribute to lighter stuff while older children can help with heavier things, or more involved tasks. If you decide to have a yard sale, let them help out with that as well so they are more involved with the process and don’t feel like they are neglected during this busy time. It will also help minimize the melt downs they perform for attention.
4. More on moving day. The smaller kids might be better off with a sitter during this stage, but the kids old enough to take direction can assist with the moving day chores. Carrying light boxes, labeling, cleaning, or putting them in charge of the family pet can help them and you get through the day. Keep them interested by incorporating some fun activities to keep their interest.
5. Moving day crafts. Children and crafts are a great way to keep them busy, have your kids design their own personal address book for their close friends. Include a spot for friend’s name, phone number, email, and home address and maybe even a wallet size photo in the book so they can keep in touch. This can be a real comfort. A scrap book of their old house, school, and hobbies and so on can be a good idea also.
6. Before the long trip, spend children’s energy. During all the busyness of moving, consider taking some designated time aside and plan a fun day or evening where the family spends time together having fun and release the anxiety and built up energy.
7. Road trip moving fun. Driving to the new destination needs to be enjoyable for the kids. Pack their favorite snacks and drinks, a few hand held games, and a pillow for when they need to rest. Movies and other such forms of entertainments are well worth the investment, not for their sanity, but mostly for your own. Be sure the family is dressed in comfortable clothes and shoes to make the long trip a little more relaxing.
8. Make unpacking fun. To continue providing fun in the unpacking, sneak a t-shirt in their clothing box, or a new little toy in another of their personal boxes to prevent the unpacking process from getting boring and encourage them to continue on in the hopes of discovering new treasures.

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If you are in need of professional assistance during this life changing event, contact RC Van Services to find the package ideal for your move.

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