Tips & Advice on Preparing for Your Local or Long Distance Move in Queens, NY; Checklist, Schedule & Timeline

Preparing to pack up your home and move can be a daunting task. Being organized can make things run much smoother and reduce possible anxiety that can comes along with moving. There are steps you can take, or a countdown of sorts, that can keep you on track.

Packing Timeline for Weeks 5 & 4 Before the Move

Create a floor plan of your new home and try to decide where things will go. You can also label pieces of furniture on your diagram. Call for a disconnection date of utilities at your old home and set them up at the new home for the day before you move in as it will be helpful to have power, water, gas, etc. The first things that should be packed are the things that you don’t use very often like fancy dishes and cookware, non-essential clothing, art, photos, and decorative items. Make sure boxes are kept light enough for all to help. Heavier items in smaller boxes and lighter items in larger boxes. Plan on having your new home clean by doing it yourself or hiring a company to do it. Think about planning a garage sale to unload items you don’t need anymore.

3 & 2 Weeks Before Move

Start serious packing by labeling all boxes and packing carefully. Box essential items together and label them “open first/load last”. This will make the things you need right away at the ready, like pots, dishes, silverware, bedding, towels, toys and items for children. Put in a change of address at the post office and contact schools for children. Change insurance information for your new home and arrange for transport of pets and plants as they cannot go in the moving van. Be sure to empty secret hiding places to remove valuables and spare house keys. Prepare to have a sitter available when you get to your new home to help with the kiddos. Have your garage sale.

Moving Checklist; 1 Week Before

Take care of the landscaping one last time and mow the lawn and dispose of flammable or toxic items that cannot be moved. Make sure to pack a bag of necessary items if you’re traveling with your car that shouldn’t be on the moving van. These items include important documents, cash, checks, medications, toiletries, pet food, childcare items, toys and games to keep children occupied and pack your own bag with clothing for the move. Keep your “open first/load last” boxes in a separate area so the movers can put them in the appropriate spot.

A Few Days Leading Up to the Move

Movers will arrive to start packing the van. Arrange to pay the moving company as this must be done before your belongings are unloaded at the new home. Make sure the moving company has the new address and leave your forwarding address with the new homeowner. Let the neighbors know of the house will be vacant. Unpack your “open first” box and go over any plans with the van operator if needed. Give the new home a final cleaning, if needed, and review your floor plan to refresh your memory about where you want things. Make sure utilities are turned on and keep your pets and children out of the way. You’ll need to be present when the moving van arrives and be prepared to pay before unloading begins.

Packing & Local & Long Distance Moving services in Manhattan NYC New York, Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn & Bronx NY & Secaucus NJ

Save yourself a lot of stress and give RC Van Services a call for all of your moving needs.

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