Organized Post Move Checklist in Queens, NY; Dealing with Dog Anxiety & Moving Away from Your Best Friends, Unpacking Tips & More!

Moving to a new place can give you a sense or disorientation and a feeling like you don’t belong. Time will help you overcome the initial shock, but post move periods can be really hard in the beginning. There are some things that need to be done after you move.

Post Move Period Checklist

This post move period doesn’t need to be hard at all. Follow this 10-point checklist after you have moved into a new house. If you organize your time, it won’t be so stressful and confusing.
1. Organize your post move quickly. In fact, organize it as soon as you step into the door of your new home. There are a lot of things when you first move, so don’t get too comfortable. Organize your post relocation time wisely. Create a new to-do list that will list all the things that need to be done.
2. Moving house unpacking tips. Unpacking the mountain of boxes is more fun than packing because you get to take your time. Set a deadline so it doesn’t take too long though. Unpack the essentials first, then move to the bedrooms and bathrooms and so on.
3. Learn about your new home. Learn the secrets of your new home as it is completely unfamiliar to you. Look for pre-existing damage or signs of a possible infestation. Locate the fuse box and the main water valve in case of an emergency.
4. Change of address post office form. Change your postal address to prevent mail being sent to your old address. To ensure you don’t miss any of your mail, make sure this is done sooner than later. Give the new occupants of your old place your new address so they can forward any of your mail.
5. Register child for school. Register your child at a new school to make sure your children are set up to start school to continue their education. Ask friends or neighbors about schools in the area and don’t forget to bring required documents when you’re ready to register.
6. Find healthcare providers. Find suitable health care providers by finding a new family physician for your family and a new veterinarian for your pets, if applicable. As with the schools you should as friends and neighbor for recommendations.
7. Register cars in new state. You should register your cars in the state you have moved to and you may also need to get a new driver’s license as well. Both of these things are fairly straightforward, with a visit to the local DMV.
8. Dog anxiety moving to new home. Help your pets acclimate as they may be feeling anxious as well. Take care of their needs and give them some extra attention.
9. Moving Away from Your Best Friends. Moving to a new home is difficult. Some members of the family may be feeling separation anxiety. You left behind good friends and you may be feeling sad, or even depressed. Introduce yourself to the new neighbors and be open to trying new things as they are opportunities to meet new people. Don’t forget to keep in touch with your old friends too.
10. Moving to a new city. Get to know your new city as this will make you feel more comfortable living and working there. Get familiar with your neighborhood and the city itself. Try and make an effort to understand better how the locals enjoy life in your new city.

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