Helping Kids Cope With Moving to a New House In Or Out Of State in Manhattan, NYC; Things to Do Before & After the Move

For many families, moving can be an exciting time but also a sad time for the life you and your family will leave behind. Children especially feel the effects of leaving familiar schools, activities, and friends behind. This often places fear and stress for them as they begin a new life. Some children react negatively to moves because they do not know how to deal with this new stress. However there are several things that you as a parent can do to help guide and support your children through this tough time in their life. RC Van Services has a few ideas that you can do to better prepare and help your children adjust to a move far better and with a more positive attitude.

Things to Do Before Moving House In or Out of State

There are some things you will want to do before the move. For starters get information about your new destination such as schools and activities your kids might be interested in. Get a good feel for the surrounding neighborhoods where you will be moving into. Some good resources are the Chamber of Commerce, Welcome Wagon, and the Board of Realtors that can all provide great information. Obviously share with your children about the move well in advance to help give them the time to accept and say their own goodbyes. It also helps children to feel better about the move by getting them familiar with their new town and home. Try to get pictures of the future home and even their bedroom and get them excited on how they can make it their own. If you’re moving long distances you will have to get creative on how you can bring their new home to them. However if you’re moving to the other side of town, it’s good to take them to see their new home and neighborhoods in person. If possible, visit your child’s new school; try to meet with the principal and teacher they might have, to get more familiar with them. It’s also to get all school, dental and medical records transferred before the move. Try to have a going away party for your kids so they can invite all their friends so they can exchange addresses and phone numbers. In this way, they can try and stay in contact with one another and to say their final goodbyes without regret. Finally allow your children to bring with them comfort items. For small children it might be a toy or blanket.

Things to Do After Moving to a New House

After the move, make sure to follow through with any bedroom plans or find after school activities the kids want to do. If possible take your children with you when you enroll them into their new school. This gives them the opportunity to meet their teachers and the principal. Helping get your children or child familiar with their new neighborhoods and schools will better help them adjust more quickly. Next, encourage them to stay in contact with their old friends. Maybe help them take pictures of their new how and have them share it with their friends. The key is helping them become part of their new home and town. Help keep them busy so their minds don’t drift to those things they will miss.

Local & Long Distance Moving in Manhattan NYC New York, Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn & Bronx NY & Secaucus NJ

When movers say this is a stressful time in your life, as the parent you may not have realized it’s not just your belonging you will have to worry about moving to a new location, but your children’s too. We at RC Van Services want to help you give your children peace of mind as they begin this new journey. We hope this was of help in sharing ideas that will keep your family moving forward in a positive direction. For all your moving needs, RC Van Services is a call away.

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