How to Prepare for Packers & Movers in Flushing, NY; Inventory Items to Move, Pre-Pack Small Items & More

When it comes to moving there is much to do. Investing in a professional moving company can take much of the weight off your shoulders, literally and figuratively. But even with some assistance there are preparations that you can do to let us do their jobs more efficiently. Today, we at RC Van Services would like to share some tips you can do for your move before the professionals arrive.
1. Get rid of the useless items in your home. When it comes to moving, the more weight you have the more it will cost you to move. So why pay to move junk that you are never going to use? Don’t waste your money or time. Instead go through your home one room at a time and assess your belongings. You haven’t used something in a year; chances are you are not going to. You should trash it, recycle it, donate it, or sell it.
2. Dispose of anything professionals won’t pack. There are laws and regulations regarding what movers can pack and transport. When going through your home you can take the liberty of determining the items that are not going to be handled by the professionals. The 3 most common things professionals refuse to mess with are from the following categories:
– Hazardous examples of things not handled include corrosive, explosive and flammable materials. Weapons and ammunition, chemicals, oils, cleaning fluids, paint, and so on are examples of such.
– Perishables items like frozen, refrigerated or fresh foods. It is optimal to use up pantry prior to the move.
– Plants are extremely fragile and are too high a risk for your plants to be in a moving truck for any length of time. If you want to take plants with on you on the move, it is your responsibility. If you do not want attempt a road trip with them, consider donating your plants to friends, local hospitals, schools, nursing homes, or other similar places.
3. Create an inventory of your belongings. Creating an items checklist for your personal property can help you and the movers packing your stuff. Having your inventory listed can help for 2 primary reasons: 1) A detailed list of all the items in your moving can help you in your search if items go missing or damaged things. 2) You have the upper hand if you need to file an insurance claim with your insurer or mover if you do find any of your delivered goods damaged or missing.
4. Create a no-pack zone. If you have a room or space you can dedicate to the items you are personally taking with you on your travels it will make communication with the professionals far easier. For a reminder, you can write a little note on the door stating “do not pack” or something similar. Making the area identifiable will help your move pass by more smoothly. Such items left in your possession should include important documents, electronic devices, valuables, like jewelry and so on, medication, and other related items.
5. Prepare the essentials. Be organized, and pack two essential boxes that ride with you. The furniture that is broken down will have hardware, like brackets, bolts, and nuts for example should be in one of the boxes and your second box should contain prescription medicine, non-perishable food, bottled water, plastic kitchen utensils, towels, bed sheets, spare clothes for each family member, toiletries, favorite book or games, essential tools, jewelry pieces, family heirlooms, important documents, expensive electronics, and etc.
6. Gather the family together for safety instructions. Come moving day, things are hectic and chaotic during the activities. Smaller children should be with a trusted loved one, older children should be briefed on strangers and how to stay out of the way of the professionals to avoid injury. Remind the kids to constantly check in as well.
7. Prepare household appliances. Have a specific inventory checklist for your appliances.
Unplug any large appliances you intend to have packed like refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers, electric or gas cookers, and empty them. It will be more optimal for you to clean the appliances prior to moving. Be ready to wrap up and protect the appliances before the professional.
8. Pre-pack small items. Pre-pack some special items of yours to sleep better that night.
Take care of the small stuff that you can easily pack up yourself. Despite having a paid professional to pack up your household goods for you, choosing to pre-pack some small items the way you want it can be a more optimal approach. Doing so is especially useful when packing collector’s items, high valued treasures that are both sentimental and monetary, and other similar effects.
9. Take photos. Before the packers come, bust out the digital camera and take photos of your inventory, they are useful in the event you need to file claim or find something that is missing.
Concentrate your photographs on valuables and antiques, and make sure you produce numerous close up shots.
10. Consider the professionals. Once the professionals arrive, you will be able to see us in action and the smooth methodical action. It never hurts to show us where the bathroom is and offer some water bottles and snacks.

Full Service Loading, Packing & Unloading Services In Manhattan NYC, New York, Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn & Bronx & Secaucus NJ

When you are searching for a professional mover contact RC Van Services and let our talented group of pros get you packed and moved.

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