Long & Short Term Storage Solutions in Bronx, NY; Keeping Your Valuables Safe During the Moving Process

One out of every 10 households in the United States now uses self-storage space. There are approximately 50,000 self-storage units throughout the country and these account for 2 billion square feet of storage space! Before you commit to a storage lease there are certain factors to look at.

What to Look for when Choosing a Storage Unit Facility

Try and choose a facility that has video surveillance and user-only entry systems to reduce the chance of crime. Be sure to check accessibility hours. Don’t choose one that doesn’t have operating hours to match the times you will need access. Most storage sites (but not all) give you 24 hour access. Units closer to the manager’s office or near the entrance are well-lit areas, making them more secure due to their proximity to areas frequented more often by people. It is also important that the actual location of the facility is in a secure area as well. Look to see if it has a fence, good lighting and ask yourself if you would be comfortable going there on your own. Some facilities offer individual units that have their own separate alarms that may be activated if needed.

Inventory & Keep Valuables Safe

The way you gain access to the facility can differ from one to the next. Some require access codes and other sites use electronic security gates to make sure only the tenants have access to the storage property. Keep an inventory of all the contents in the storage unit. Include serial numbers when you can. If there happens to be a theft this information may be useful. Use a disc-style lock as these locks are more difficult to bypass than other locks. Many facilities even require you to use a disc-style lock and will sell you one, if needed. Make sure you take photos of the contents as well. If theft does occur, having these photos along with serial numbers can be the difference between you getting your belongings back or not. Having photos also comes in handy with insurance claims.

Some Reasons to Get a Storage Unit

College student can benefit from having extra storage. When travelling home during summer breaks they can leave their things in storage. Dorm rooms can become crowded quickly and a storage unit can be shared with your roommates to give you more space. You can also utilize a storage unit to de-clutter your home. Make note of those items that you’re not using often and store them. Cars, RVs, and boats can be stored at a facility keeping your driveway or garage free. Seasons change and holiday decorations can take up a lot of space and are only used once a year. Clothing for the seasons can be labeled and stored too. When moving to a new home, having a storage unit allows you to begin the process sooner and will make moving day less stressful. It will also allow you to move into the new place at your leisure. If you’re downsizing, you’ll need to put your belongings elsewhere. Inner-city areas often times have little or no space for vehicles and if it is available, you will pay higher insurance as chances of it getting stolen will rise. It’s cheaper to put it in storage.

In the Van Overnight Storage Solutions in Manhattan NYC New York, Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn & Bronx NY & Secaucus NJ

There are many reasons to invest in extra space. When you start feeling like the walls are closing in on you, RC Van Services are fully licensed, insured and ready to help. Call us today. RC Van Services offer secure ‘In the Van’ overnight storage. We can pick up and securely pack your items one day, keep them on the truck overnight, and then deliver and unpack them the next morning at your new place. We have also gained a lot of experience in the last two decades and can also recommend self storage facilities to best meet your needs.

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