How to Pack & Move in a Hurry; Last Minute Moving Checklist in Queens, NY; Declutter While Packing, Hire a Moving Company & More

Most people have a plan and some notice that they are going to be moving. You most often have been looking at a new location, home or city. Then you wait for your home to sell and move to a new place. This advance notice allows you time to start decluttering, packing and scheduling all you need to do before the actual moving day. What happens if you are given a month or less to move and you were just not expecting it. This can happen from a job change or a landlord issue. Whatever the reason behind the quick move you still need to get it all done!

RC Van Services Lists Tips To Help You Move in a Hurry Last Minute

Find A Place To Stay & Store Your Belongings: If you are given notice that you need to move in less than 30 days you need to get some things done pretty quickly. One of the most important things to do is to find a new place that you will be moving. You need an address and a home that you are going to move all your belongings to. Get online and ask your real estate agent for help getting into a place fast. This step is necessary to get the rest of the quick move done.
Hire A Moving Company: Now that you know you have to move and you have signed a lease on a new place to move to you need to get your moving company hired. This is really the next most logical step so that you know what time and date need to be packed by. The company should be able to work around the dates that you give them but make sure you cement a time. You don’t want to wait to hire a company because you could potentially miss the time that is necessary for you to move. They will need the dates and addresses of the house that you are moving from and to.
Give Notice of Move Right Away: When you are getting ready to move and it is a quick move in less than 30 days you will be frantic. One area that you need to be sure that you don’t miss is giving notice. This may be to your job, kids schools, utilities and landlord. You don’t want to be left responsible financially because you failed to let someone know that you were leaving.
Donate & Declutter While Packing: The next step is to get packing. You need to be ready to move quickly when pacing and make decisions on donations, trash and take with you items. You should enlist help from friends of family that know you and can help pack while you decide what it is that you want to take with you. Start packing each room and have someone clean as you go. That will make the loading on moving day go much faster.

Last Minute Moving Services in Manhattan NYC New York, Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn & Bronx NY & Secaucus NJ.

RC Van Services proudly serves the good people of New York City. Contact RC Van Services for all your moving needs!

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